It's a wrap for you 32........Hello 33. Today is my 33rd birthday. Thank you God for blessing me with the gift of my 33rd birthday. I can’t express how thankful and grateful I am. 32 was a HUGE lesson. I learned so much and dealt with so much mentally. My mental health took a big hit. I think everything I dealt with at 32 was to grow me as a person and woman. God does not take you through things without you learning something from it or growing you. I also feel I went through it because God wanted me to make changes in my life. The changes I’ve made have really helped.
Truly letting God guide me,him being with me and me being with him will help me on this new chapter of my life. Me doing the work keeping these better habits,expanding my mind and growing will help me as well. I am looking forward to all the blessings and wonderful things God has in place and for me. I feel I am now prepared and ready for all of the good to come my way. Thank God & Cheers To 33!!
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